Saturday, August 23, 2008

that's a wrap!

Well. We're done!

We just got back from Rotterdam, home of Erasmus Universiteit. We were up at 5h00, on the train by 6h30, in Rotterdam by 8h00 and presented our material at 11h00, and home free by 13h00. The presentations all went really well, with only a few minor technological issues (the projector decided to go into standby halfway through the New Media presentation and Ruben's laptop [Vista, of course] decided to freak out and not acknowledge the projector). Our session was somewhat sparsely attended, but the feedback we received was all positive, exceptionally cool because it came from experts in the field! I'm so relieved we're done, and I can't wait to get home tomorrow! One more trip to Vleminckx best-fries-in-the-city and we're good to go!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Putting The Pieces Together: Collaborative Research

As I mentioned yesterday afternoon, we hiked ourselves over to VKS once again (this time, without getting ourselves lost! VICTORY!) this time, to discuss collaborative research with Jan Kok, a senior researcher at VKS and IISH and Stefan Dormans, a postdoctoral researcher. Their lectures discussed the mechanics of collaborative research. Jan's presentation, "New Media in the Humanities: The Case of 'e-social History'" discussed the role of ICT in researching social history, defined by Jan as "the history of labor movements and social action". We know what kind of role new technologies play in scientific research, so what is the role of ICT in humanities research? First, with the advent and increased usage of online databases and archives for documents such as demographic or other municipal records from Paris in the 1930s, for example, research has become easier, in a sense, and the collective knowledge base has dramatically increased.

Another advantage of the digital age is the ability to collaborate with the guy at the next desk over, or across the world. With platforms like PBWiki (the platform we're using for this project) where you can create a wiki for your project and upload documents, pictures, multimedia, &c. for everyone to view and edit, together. Pretty cool, right? No more e-mailing, faxing or (g-d forbid) UPS overnight'ing documents back and forth - with the click of the mouse and a few keystrokes, you're working together: across the room or across the country. Anyway. Jan and Stefan's discussion on new media and technology in humanities/social science research was enlightening, and certainly helped us get a feel for how our projects will soon be assembled.

After their respective lectures, we were given a somewhat lengthy tour of a small portion of the IISH archives. Cold, drafty, musty archives. Not an experience I need to repeat. See, I'm all about old books and libraries and bookdust, but that's a little bit different than rotting clothes from 1980s squatters and decaying microfiche. Ew ew and ew.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

1 + 1 + 1 = 4,200?!

Okay, so we all know that math isn't my favorite subject (despite my disgusting knack for the subject) but I promise, I'm not as bad as the title implies. Let me explain: 1 (me) + 1 (Jenny) + 1 (Mimi) = approximately 4,200 words = the length of our project's written deliverable.

In anticipation of our meeting with Jan Kok, senior researcher at VKS, to discuss collaborative research - what it means, how it works, and how to smoothly incorporate all of these various pieces and various people into one beautiful and intriguing, intelligent and informative presentation (or, what I hope will be, an A+ deliverable) - we have been asked to submit a question on collaboration. The problem is, I don't have any questions. The problem isn't that I know everything there is to know, rather, I have absolutely no idea where to begin. I am so completely ignorant of collaborative research projects (especially one like ours which is, in fact, three separate projects under one big, vague umbrella) that I don't even know which questions to ask. I guess I'm in trouble, aren't I?

I suppose I could ask how to take all of this qualitative data and turn it into something quantitative, concrete and interesting to anyone outside of myself. Fair enough?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So um, now what?

Conducting Research
(or Now That You Know What You Want To Know, How Do You Figure It Out?)

Our morning started off in its usual way: we got lost on our way to class, at the Virtual Knowledge Studio (VKS). Amsterdam is gorgeous city, but it could seriously benefit from some signage; none of the streets are particularly well labeled - this is definitely a city of landmarks, not street-names. We left twenty minutes early for a ten minute bike ride, arriving ten minutes late (that would be 10h10) because we missed the first, crucial turn because the street is apparently unnamed in reality, but has some long complicated Dutch title according to the map. Exciting, no? Six of us (yes, nearly half) eventually made our way there, on our bikes, in the rain (although I'd love to evoke some pity, it was actually quite warm), without being horrendously late (though we all felt terrible, to be sure), settled our drowned-rat looking selves our seats with a nice cup of tea (or coffee) and enjoyed a perfectly timed lecture from Sally Wyatt on data collection, through the specific example of her recent research project on the Internet and Healthcare in Brighton, England.

Dr. Sally Wyatt, Senior Research Fellow and Professor of Digital Cultures in Development at VKS, provided us with a fabulous insight into the realm of research within the field of health sciences. By explaining her project on the impact of the internet on healthcare and the informed patient in Brighton, she was able to take us through the step-by-step process of research: formulating a question, creating a project, (applying for funding), collecting data, processing and analysis, and a final presentation of your (team's) findings.

While she spoke specifically on her methods of data collection (surveys and interviews, primarily) she provided a thorough overview of the entire process of data collection, analysis and presentation, applicable to nearly every type of data. For those of us who had absolutely no idea what were doing, what our next step would be, and how we were supposed to take all of this STUFF and make it sensical, intelligible (and intelligent) and presentable - this was perfect. I know I have certainly benefit from this lecture, though I daresay Emily S and Lauren made off like intellectual bandits as their project, like Wyatt's, was related to healthcare/information access. I would be jealous, but then Dr. Leon Deben's lecture was pretty much a synthesis of my project, so I really shouldn't complain!

After returning from the lecture and grabbing lunch, Jenny and I spent the afternoon at the Waterloopleinmarkt, and picked up some last-minute groceries on the way home.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Progress: Data Collection

Googlemap, geotagged for our group:

View Larger Map

My Progress/Recent Activity:

1. Narrowed focus of research question: how does [the square surrounding] de Waag function as a conduit of social activity?
2. Researched history of de Waag to gain better understanding of construction/circumstances (physical and historical)
3. Observed (both actively and passively) the goings-on of the plaza surrounding de Waag
4. Recorded video and taken still photographs of de Waag and activities/events occurring there (weekend market, for example)

Jenny's Progress/Recent Activity:

1) changed my research question
2) decided on focusing Albert Cuyp and Waterlooplein markets
3) went to both markets at least twice
4) conducted a few interviews at each market & attempted to contact the organizers of the Albert Cuyp market
5) taken videos and observed the function of space in the markets
6) observed both markets after they've closed

Mimi's Progress/Recent Activity:

Gay Pride Festival
Jul 31st--Attended Manoeuvre (Gay Pride Chorus), Lutherese Kerk; Photographed the performance.
Aug 2nd—Attended Gay Pride Parade; Photographed and videotaped the event.
Aug 3rd—Attended “Geloog, Hoop en Liefde” open-air church service; Photographed the event; Interviewed with the organizer from Evengelische Roze Vieringen (ERV) and the organizer from Gay Business Amsterdam.
Aug 6th—Visited Gewoon Anders! (Just Different!) at the Cobra Museum, photographed the exhibition.

Kwakow Festival
Aug 9th – Attended the festival from 3pm to 7pm; interviewed the information stand staff; interviewed with one NGO worker at the cultural shop; had casual talks with participants of the festival; tasted traditional Surinamese food; photographed various food stands, dances, singing, religious ceremony, soccer match, and etc.

De Parade
Aug 11th – Attend De Parade theater festival; photographed the setting in the park; recorded show schedule; photographed show ads and theater tents.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Bijlmermeer: Defining Public Spaces

Researching Public Spaces: Streets, Pavement, Sidewalks & Parks

Our final morning lecture, given by Dr. Leon Deben, senior university lecturer and associate professor of sociology and anthropology at UvA and part of the research team "Urban Geographies and Social Interactions".

What is public space?

Public space is defined as "space that is not privately owned and cannot be claimed by one person, or group of persons, exclusively," according to Dr. Deben, it is "a reflection of how a society is organized." You do not need to obtain permission to enter this space, spend time there, conduct business, &c. Day or night, man or woman, you are free to use this space as you choose.

Semi-public spaces are just that, 'semi-public', they are do not afford the same freedoms as a truly public space, but they are certainly a part of the public domain. They are characterized by time restraints, membership requirements perhaps, tacit (or perhaps not) rules governing behavior and conduct. Shopping Malls, therefore, will forever remain semi-public.

Three Domains of Space

The private domain is the home; characterized by the intimate interactions of a specific group/individuals, a freedom of behavior, attitude and ideas not available elsewhere. Interaction with strangers is extremely limited.

The next step out is the parochial domain, or the neighborhood; a familiar community network of friends and family, the people you ride the tram with to work every morning, the baristas at the cafe on the corner. Interactions with the unfamiliar occurs, but there is some sense of ownership and pride in this space, you have some vague idea of who belongs or who doesn't.

Of course the public domain is a realm of strangers; while locations are largely familiar, the sea of faces endlessly shifts and changes.

Diversity and Freedom

“In a village, when you look out the window, you are looking in the mirror. In the city, when you look out the window, you see the world."

By forced meetings (in public spaces), tolerance becomes a part of everyday life, developed more and more each day. It is impossible to exist in a city environment, interacting (if only briefly and superficially) with individuals from every walk of life on a daily basis, and remain intolerant. It may not always be the most pleasant experience, but if you were to remain completely intolerant, you would either never leave your house or leave the city and move to a gated community where you never have to see anyone outside of your fixed social stratum and environment.

Theoretical Perspective: Erving Goffman

Dr. Erving Goffman: former president of the American Sociological Association and professor of sociology at the University of Chicago, University of California - Berkeley and University of Pennsylvania. He was awarded Doctor of Hebrew literature/language from the University of Chicago and Doctor of Laws from University of Manitoba, a Guggenheim Fellowship (1977-78), In Medias Res (International Communication Award, 1978) and the Mead-Cooley Award (social psychology life achievement award, 1983).

Dr. Goffman developed the idea of "symbolic interactionism" which focuses on the constructive, creative aspect of human behavior: not passive, but based on interpretations of the environment. He stresses the strategic, calculating aspects of social interaction. Sees the world as backstage (your language/vernacular) and main stage; in each situation there is a seen and unseen component. Backstage is the difference in behavior in public spaces versus private spaces; how you behave at home versus how you behave in Dam Square. Backstage is more informal and familiar; the 'true you' so to speak. You conduct yourself differently in the privacy of your own thoughts and home than you would in a shopping centre or public park. Dr. Goffman also notes the "anonymous privacy" afforded by public spaces and the concept of "civil-inattention and nonpersons", you don’t see the homeless or the crazy pigeon lady, you turn away. If you give everyone attention, you will not be able to walk through the city, or keep your sanity.

Territories of the self applied in research of the public area and domain

Used Space

The Turn

The Sheath - the skin that covers the body, the clothes that cover the skin

Possessional territory - purses, bags, umbrellas

Personal Space

The Stall - establishing your space. Setting a bag on the chair next to you on the tram to prevent intrusion of others into your perceived 'bubble'

Information Reserve - things that are always present, even in public, but are still unknown to others. The contents of your pockets, for example.

Conversational Reserve

Privatizing Public Spaces: Symbolic Transformations

According to Dr. Lyn Lofland, a student of Dr. Goffman and research professor of sociology at University of California - Davis, you cannot cope with thousands of strangers, you must develop strategies for existence and survival. By reducing the complexities of an anonymous life and by turning public spaces into a private place, so as to avoid this ‘world of strangers’. By knowing a city, by filling in our mental maps, we become more comfortable with the city/world around us. Privatizing public space is an individual act; a locational transformation to avoid the world of strangers.

Home Territories are places where you are among your compatriots. A piece of public space that is taken over by people who want to maximize encounters with the personally-known. A “home away from home”, which makes the urban world safer and easier. Invites "host-like" behavior towards strangers.

1. Casual knowledge (customer)

2. Familiar knowledge (patron)

3. Intimate knowledge (residents)

4. Public Space knowledge (colonizers)

The customer has a casual knowledge of a place, looks at it as somewhere to meet friends, to see and be seen. The Patron has familiar knowledge based on a regular relationship; a privileged link with employees, which also contributes to the spatial segregation of strangers. Upperclassmen always know new students, and there is some discrimination based not on socio-economics, but sheerly on the amount of time you have spent in a space or set of spaces. Residents know everything via permanent relationship; can recognize strangers. An alteration which transforms a world of strangers into ‘home’.

Finally, colonizers turn public spaces into home; a ‘full-time job’ for seeking private purposes. An action which depends on the approval of other people and authorities; unlike the privatization of public space, which is an individual action, this is a group act.


The Urban Village is a personal world in urban anonymity, based on solidarity and/or security. The Concentrated Village (neighborhood) a mix of unity and autonomy which remains fictional. A way for inhabitants to avoid the adaptations to the ‘world of strangers’; an extreme example is a gated community. 10-15 million people in the United States live in gated communities, turning their backs on society; an anachronism in our cosmopolitan world.

Amsterdam is an important mix of all of these spaces and territories: there are 80-85,000 residents in the city itself, and on any given day between 80-100,000 people living and working in the 8 square km of the city.

Now, onto Bijlmer and a short history lesson...



1622 - Reclamation of Bijlmer lake

1672 - Marshy polder flooded

1678 - Drained again

1702 - Flooded during a storm

1825 - Drained again

1846 - Owned by Weesperkarspel

1960 - Cooperation with Amsterdam. To realize housing plans (to combat post WWII housing shortage), began discussions on building up Bijlmermeer.

Bijlmer was designed to be a "Functional Town": a town in which living, working, traffic and recreation are separated (like old German industrial town) The Bijlmer was designed by Le Corbusier and based on his "Voisin Plan" for Paris (1925). He founded CIAM, in 1928, and invited 28 European architects to join this international congress for the design of modern architecture. In 1934, they wrote the Charter of Athens (1942) which dictated the planning of new cities based on the proceedings of CIAM meetings from 1933-1941. While the Bijlmer project was conceived in the 1930s, it was not realized until the 1960s.

The Potential Plan

High-rise Apartment Blocks (8 floors/each)

18,000 apartment units, 13,000 in the High-rise

Deck access apartment blocks

Honeycomb Pattern

Large green spaces in between

The Effective Plan

Budget Cuts

Remained incomplete

The "covered street" or raised highway was set at 1st floor-height

Storage at the Ground Floor (a bad thing; must have watching eyes on street level to reduce crime)

Number of floors was increased (10/11 stories)

Number of lifts decreased

Galleries were too long

Cavernous spaces in car parks; from day one, they were not used properly because there was a fee. Residents removed the gates and parked for free, only to find their wheels missing the next morning.

Subway realized later; initially it was a bus system connecting Bijlmermeer to the city.

Reasons for failure

Too expensive; the idea was to build the Bijlmermeer, and then be able to renovate the 19th C girdle of the city. Never happened.

Unsafe carparks.

Insufficient shops/retail locations

A menacing atmosphere in the public area: because all of the highways were elevated, underneath them, these cavernous spaces were no-go areas at night and are the ultimate in sketch.

Nuisance in the Blocks

Rapid Turn Over

Faulty Social Structure; in a way, this became the place where, if you could not get a home in Amsterdam proper, you moved to Bijlmermeer.

Further problems caused by external forces

National policy created ‘overspill towns’

Slower population growth than anticipated,

Relatively high rent throughout the country,

Combined with this situation: negative residential climate around the Blocks, too many units left empty,

Fewer families living in the blocks (single parents, partners without children, individuals)

1975 Surinam (Dutch Guyana) gained its independence, and these immigrants like to live in the same communities, this filled the empty Bijlmermeer.

1992 El Al freighter crashed into one of the apartment blocks; unfortunately, there were so many illegals living in the area that the actual death toll is unknown. There is a memorial erected in Bijlmerpark to commemorate this tragedy.

Census of Resident Participation:

25% liked the High Rise Blocks

25% wanted to leave

25% wanted the Bijlmermeer to be renovated

Buildings have been torn down and rebuilt, others renovated, others still remain unchanged. The campaign for a new Biljmer: clean, whole and safe: restoring the quality of life.


Surinamese - 25,000

Antillians - 4,500

Turkish/Moroccan - 2,000

Non-Westerdn - 16,500

Dutch - 22,500

Western Origin - 6,500


Total: 77,500

The Bijlmer Renewal Project

To be completed by 2010, the Bijlmer Renewal is hailed as the "Society of Tomorrow" and anticipated to increase the population in Amsterdam Zuidoost (southeast) from 77,500 to 90,000. They'll be removing the raised highways, renovating or rebuilding the remaining apartment blocks from the 1960s, and have renovated the extremely sketchy metro station (now a clean, aesthetically-pleasing, contemporary structure of glass and steel). They will also be constructing a new music dome and entertainment center with hotels, shopping, a discotech/club, and 3D/IMAX cineplex, in hopes of turning Bijlmer into Amsterdam's new center for the arts and entertainment.

Religion is extremely important to residents of Bijlmer; while there is no official church, all of the protestants (the majority of the inhabitants) attend services and whatnot in a shared building, where all communities peacefully coexist. Bijlmer, too, is the largest employment center in Amsterdam, filled with skyscrapers: the symbol of modern industry.

A few of us hung around Bijlmer for a few hours and explored the city center before returning to Amsterdam proper where a few of us went out for dinner and re-explored the city at dusk.

Friday, August 1, 2008

...and that's a wrap

Well, our first week has officially come to a close! Today was a pretty awesome day; the weather was mild (high of 72F/22C but 22mph wind gusts coming off the Atlantic and only like 55% humidity - the lowest it has been all week. We had the morning free to research or convene at will, or some less proactive individuals (like myself) chose to sleep in.

Digital Humanities & Virtual Knowledge

We met at 12h30 and took a short bus ride to the Virtual Knowledge Studio and reunited with Dr. Paul Wouters, Dutch native who recently achieved professorship (a pretty big deal in Holland, not at all like the US) who originally received his degree in biochemistry. The VKS is housed in the same building as the International Institute of Social History(IISH) which focuses social movements throughout history.

VKS is purely interested in the humanities, as defined by Cathy Davidson & David Goldberg:

"The humanities engage three broad sets of questions: those of meaning, value, and significance. Meaning concerns interpretation of data, evidence, and texts. Value ranges over the entire field of cultural, aesthetic, social, and scientific investments. Significance, implicating both the former two, raises questions of representation, in the sense of accounting for (explanation) and of capturing, in the sense both of offering a faithful rendition (description) and of making broad claims (generalization)"

VKS operates by "changing (ICT) practices, telling stories and building tools," according to Dr. Wouters, "Turning philosophical questions into empirical ones."

Three Dimensions of VKS' work

1 Building and Designing (collaborating with Universities and other scholarly bodies)

2 Analysis and Reflection

3 Brokering and Interface

The VKS' characterizes their team (of 12) as follows:

Everyone plays - that is, every member of the team (including management staff) are working on research projects. The entire studio is extremely interdisciplinary, and everyone has a diverse background in several fields (usually not relating specifically to the humanities, like geography, chemistry or economics).

Let's begin by defining some key terms: IT (Information and Technology) or ICT (Information, Communication and Technology) are two of the fastest growing fields and degree programs (in the US). According to Dr. Wouters, these two fields can broadly be defined as "part accessibility, part analysis, part visualization."

Lay Participation: Service or Disservice?

With the rapid development of various ICT fields, tools, techniques and theories, the availability for public scholarship and participation by those not directly involved in the world or academia (lay participation) raises several issues. Which fields can or should be open for public scholarship? Which should remain in the world of academia? After a brief discussion, we decided that while the humanities are fair game for public research, the hard sciences (physics/chemistry/biology) should remain closed, due to their highly technical nature. Now, more importantly, how does public scholarship affect the integrity of the research? Is it more important who discovered it, or the discovery itself? This questions is somewhat unanswerable at this point, but perhaps in the near future we'll be able to determine whether or not public scholarship is a benefit or detriment.

Three Perspectives on ICT

1 Conservative: ICT as a neutral container; separate from the data with which it interacts. That is, ICT are simply media through which data is transferred, stored, analyzed and synthesized.

2 Pragmatic: ICT as a tool; the data is a part of the technology and vice versa.

3 Critical: ICT as a control technology; not only is the information a part of the ICT system, but so are the researchers and their tools.

In any case, we finished our lecture with Dr. Wouters, who introduced his final pet project: Research Dreams, an online forum of sorts for sharing narratives on the future of science, information, communication and technology. I encourage all of you to check it out! (That means now!)

We returned to our dorms (again, via bus) only to find that the construction team across the street accidentally cut power to the entire complex. Yay. First, no hot water for four days, now no power. It's kind of like camping, but the food is better. We finished up the evening with a lovely group dinner, thanks Jessica and Clifford!