Okay, so we all know that math isn't my favorite subject (despite my disgusting knack for the subject) but I promise, I'm not as bad as the title implies. Let me explain: 1 (me) + 1 (Jenny) + 1 (Mimi) = approximately 4,200 words = the length of our project's written deliverable.
In anticipation of our meeting with Jan Kok, senior researcher at VKS, to discuss collaborative research - what it means, how it works, and how to smoothly incorporate all of these various pieces and various people into one beautiful and intriguing, intelligent and informative presentation (or, what I hope will be, an A+ deliverable) - we have been asked to submit a question on collaboration. The problem is, I don't have any questions. The problem isn't that I know everything there is to know, rather, I have absolutely no idea where to begin. I am so completely ignorant of collaborative research projects (especially one like ours which is, in fact, three separate projects under one big, vague umbrella) that I don't even know which questions to ask. I guess I'm in trouble, aren't I?
I suppose I could ask how to take all of this qualitative data and turn it into something quantitative, concrete and interesting to anyone outside of myself. Fair enough?
A Weekly Dose of Architecture Books is on Substack
I'm breaking my blogging silence to do two things:
1. Alert readers to the fact I am still writing reviews of architecture
books under the title *A...
4 months ago
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