Wednesday, May 14, 2008

(re)Search Me

"Social research is one among many ways of constructing representations of social life... and these representations tell us something about society." (Ragin, Constructing Social Research)

First, let's define:
concept: a general notion
intersubjective: existing between conscious minds; shared knowledge

With that in mind...

Concepts: Tools of Intersubjectivity
a la Mieke Bal

- facilitate discussion via comnon language
- abstract representation of object (reminiscent of a synecdoche)
- neither simple nor adequate, in and of themselves
- function to distort, unfix and/or inflect object
- not a metaphor, but rather a miniature theory

Using these definitions as an aid, my hope is that these tools will find their way into my arsenal, knowing that once I touchdown in Amsterdam, my entire project will shift into something wholly new. With this in mind, I have tried to keep my project and malleable as possible, in an attempt to avoid total devastation while walking the canals.

- an analysis of objects situations and other theories

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