Sunday, May 4, 2008

Convoluted 'Konvolutes'

Really confused by this assignment. Very much unpleased; bear with me.


As this most literally deals with space and the influence/affectation therein, this seemed like the most appropriate/logical/likely choice.

- 1a -
“All architecture is shelter, all great architecture is the design of space that contains, cuddles, exalts, or stimulates the persons in that space."
Philip Johnson, American Architect

- 1b -
Johnson most eloquently describes how I feel about architecture as a whole. Architecture is possibly the most influential aspect of a space: it absolutely affects a space with its appearance, form, function and presence (or lack thereof). Architecture has, in its unmoving and silent way, an amazing amount of control over individuals in its presence.

- 2a -
“Architecture is a social act and the material theater of human activity.”
Dr. Spiro Konstantine Kostof, Turkish-American Architect

- 2b -
Directly related to Johnson and my implicit definition of architecture, is Kostof, who takes an even more unique approach to the role and participation of architecture in culture. This concept of a social act is especially striking: while we are all acutely aware that architecture is an artificial concept/act/object, it is not often considered social or in any way personal (disregarding, of course, the happy and absolutely non-exemplary, in fact quite inconvenient, that is simply: homes) and for no particular reason. Architecture is by, for and about social creatures (ie us).

I am still working on exactly what it is I want to study; I'd like to focus on the design - material & visual, implied & explicit - and how this affects the function, use and individual behavior within the space, how these spaces relate to individuals and each other.

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