Conversations in Religious Spaces: The Role of Religion in Amsterdam
Ruben & Emily Cernak
"What is the role of religion in Amsterdam?"
- "Close Reading" of textual materials provided within churches/synagogues/mosques
- Interviewing these spiritual leaders
- Attend and Observe services at a church, mosque and synagogue
While Emily and Ruben have developed fantastically appropriate research methods to answer this question (for example, the close and critical examination of publicly distributed materials), however, I find the topic incredibly open-ended (not a bad thing!) a potential problem. It would appear to me that they will have to be very aware that they are only examining a single church/mosque/synagogue and, if Amsterdam is anything like the US, these specific institutions will not be representative of each religion as a whole - these are specific examples, which may or may not be exemplary.
Availability of Dutch Healthcare for Islamic Women:
Emily Sands & Lauren
Since the healthcare system has transitioned from a nationalized system to semi-privatized; how has this affected the availability of healthcare to specific minority groups (Islamic women) based not necessarily on financial barriers, rather cultural ones.
- Surveys and focus groups to collect data
This group will certainly be facing the greatest challenge: both from the IRB and through the very nature of their project. It will be exceptionally difficult to find appropriate questions that do not compromise/pose risk to the individual or their family, but that will also be able to actually get at the heart of the issue and provide relevant information. I also see a potential issue related to the time constraints of the program: we only have a month to complete these projects, and while this is certainly a very intriguing topic, I am uncertain as to the feasibility of completion.
The Culture of Squatting: Culture vs Subculture vs Counterculture
Fiona, Isaac & Cassie
Squatting is the legal (in the Netherlands, but not the US) occupation of an abandoned space for habitation.
Fiona: Investigating the aesthetics of the squat: how do you personalize these spaces? How does this affect the culture/subculture/counterculture of squatting?
Isaac: Examining the gastronomy of squatting (the study of food and drink) and how does this affects the culture/subculture/counterculture of squatting?
Cassie: Exploring the socioeconomic background of squatters
This topic is really interesting and I will be curious to see how Cassie, Isaac and Fiona will execute this project. While squatting does not appeal to me in any way, shape or form, this seems like a really unique topic to be explored.
A Weekly Dose of Architecture Books is on Substack
I'm breaking my blogging silence to do two things:
1. Alert readers to the fact I am still writing reviews of architecture
books under the title *A...
4 months ago
1 comment:
nice work, Ms. Ganes: attentive and encouraging and to the point. Your comment about squatting makes me realize it had not occurred to me to consider it as an option, even at the level of the hypothetical. This suggests a habit of mind in how one (here, you and I) contemplate research. Maybe it's because as a teacher one is exposed to so multiple projects (papers, etc); maybe it's a failure of my own imagination. Interesting.
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